Infix Blog

Online Coaching: The New Way to Get Business, Career and Life Advice

Written by Andy Kemal | Nov 5, 2019 3:00:00 PM



Like everything else, online is where it’s at. You no longer have to attend meetings with clients in person, or sit in a classroom at the local university, or even get medical advice in a doctor’s office. It seems everything can be done online, and online coaching is no different.

Maybe you haven’t really thought about this much as a small business owner. Perhaps you’ve been there, done that, finding those online step-by-step tutorials and guide books a bit too generic without being specific to your unique needs.

This is where business coaching comes in, a highly-flexible and customizable industry with professionals coming from all backgrounds with expertise in team-building and corporate-growth, able to offer a startup the necessary experience, expertise, insights and motivations needed to take a business beyond the “trough of sorrow” and onto the next level, points out Yunkai Ye of INFIX.

To be able to take that resource, offer it online, and remain highly effective, interactive and beneficial while providing a true value at the same time? Well, that’s just the Holy Grail of online business coaching in a nutshell. Not everyone can do it. In fact, this industry is in its infancy as we speak. Not many people have figured the online coaching sector out yet.

But the prevalence of great bandwidth and excellent tools like Zoom and Facetime and many other technologies for F2F online meetings that are ubiquitous now, this space can only boom. We no longer have to travel to get great advice and counseling for anything, whether it’s life coaching or health and fitness. The online solution is here.

INFIX just happens to be on the leading edge for business coaching, striving to be the “Uber” of business consultants, if you will: cheap, convenient and there when you need us. Many other types of coaching can benefit from this and it’s only going to explode in the coming years – particularly with Millennials who will at some point in the near future be old enough and open enough for coaching.

The Strengths of Online Coaching

Business coaching has been associated with increased sales, personal growth and breakthroughs in leadership and internal culture of businesses, giving owners the confidence to present themselves as a force to make timely, impactful, and insightful decisions that benefit their teams and businesses at large, says Ye.

Here are some quick snippets of what makes online business coaching such a strong presence today:

  • It utilizes evolving technologies.
  • There’s no need for coaches and their clients to be limited to meeting in an office.
  • It takes the experience one step further than a phone call, where both parties may miss subtle visual cues.
  • Video conferencing breaks down the traditional mold of business coaching, making face-to-face meet-ups with clients all over the globe not just possible but preferable.
  • There’s a higher level of accessibility, whereby owners have 24/7 access to their coaches’ schedules and availability.
  • Coaches and business owners can reach out by text, email, phone, or other online-based communication platforms to get the business advice they need when it’s most convenient for them.
  • It’s more affordable than traditional offline business coaching, which is ideal for small businesses or startups that don’t have much of a budget for travel.

The Rise of the Automated Coach

The future of business coaching is upon us, folks. In real estate, you’ve heard the saying that success is based on location, location, location. Well, when it comes to business coaching, it’s all about technology, technology, technology. Coaches are differentiating themselves now, and in the future, by connecting through platforms with the ability to meet pretty much anywhere and anytime regardless of their physical location, as they engage clients through micro-learning sessions, says Forbes.

Riding this next wave of business coaching starts with INFIX. We’re on the crest of this wave and can help you navigate the waters. Get in touch now for a free 30-minute consultation to see just how easy it is to benefit from online business coaching.