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Infix Blog

By | December 31, 1969


Tips to Beat Procrastination

By Andy Kemal | Priorities, Accountability, Organization, Business Coach, Business Growth
Let’s face it - everyone struggles with procrastination, from high school students to top-level executives. Some procrastinate simply out of a lack of desire to work or a deep resentment towards deadlines. For others, putting things off until the last minute helps them work harder because they are motivated by the short amount of time left they have to accomplish a task. There are many reasons why people procrastinate but, whatever your reason is, it is important to work past the urge to put

The Proof is in the Data

By Andy Kemal | Proccesses, Business Coach, Business Growth, Data
“Be Data Driven” - that’s what my professor in business school would drum in to us. He would say “because data changes behavior!” He was right of course, he’d had a long career consulting with many businesses and had seen the proof.

Common Misconceptions About Working with a Business Coach

By Andy Kemal | Business, Delegation, Time Management, Accountability, Business Coach
If your business is struggling, it is important to get back on track as soon as possible. Hiring a business coach to work with you and your employees will help resolve the problems quickly and strengthen your company overall. However, many people are hesitant to work with a business coach because of a variety of misconceptions.