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Infix Blog

By | December 31, 1969

Andy Kemal

Why Word of Mouth Counts: the Secret to a Strong Business

By Andy Kemal | Business Growth, Data, Networking
Building your business the old fashioned way, through word of mouth, foot on pavement, networking and building lifelong business relationships has always been and will always be the best way.

Tips to Beat Procrastination

By Andy Kemal | Priorities, Accountability, Organization, Business Coach, Business Growth
Let’s face it - everyone struggles with procrastination, from high school students to top-level executives. Some procrastinate simply out of a lack of desire to work or a deep resentment towards deadlines. For others, putting things off until the last minute helps them work harder because they are motivated by the short amount of time left they have to accomplish a task. There are many reasons why people procrastinate but, whatever your reason is, it is important to work past the urge to put

The Proof is in the Data

By Andy Kemal | Proccesses, Business Coach, Business Growth, Data
“Be Data Driven” - that’s what my professor in business school would drum in to us. He would say “because data changes behavior!” He was right of course, he’d had a long career consulting with many businesses and had seen the proof.

6 Reasons Your Company Might Be Struggling

By Andy Kemal
To solve the issue your company is facing, you first need to understand the origin of the problem. It can be difficult to identify whether it is an issue related to your industry or related specifically to how you are operating your business. It is important to take a step back and analyze the problems you are having so that you can determine what is holding your business back from thriving.

Common Misconceptions About Working with a Business Coach

By Andy Kemal | Business, Delegation, Time Management, Accountability, Business Coach
If your business is struggling, it is important to get back on track as soon as possible. Hiring a business coach to work with you and your employees will help resolve the problems quickly and strengthen your company overall. However, many people are hesitant to work with a business coach because of a variety of misconceptions.

The Best Apps To Grow Your Business

By Andy Kemal | Time Management, Organization, Apps, Processes, Business Growth
As technology continues to develop, there are more and more digital or online applications that can be extremely beneficial for businesses. It is important to take advantage of the available tools to help your company grow and thrive. A key to get on top of your business is being organized, so you should make use of all tools at your disposal. These are the most highly recommended tools that any business should consider using.

Avoid these common business mistakes

By Andy Kemal | Time Management, Priorities, Accountability, Vision, Organization
Regardless of the industry, business owners today face constant struggles that often result from their failed processes and procedures. When it comes to growth and development, these struggles can hold one back from success that otherwise would be have been achieved. Identifying the issues within a company can make the difference between repairing weaknesses and succumbing to them. Luckily, there are common business-related problems you can be on the lookout for, regardless of what industry

Maximize Your Time To Grow Your Business

By Andy Kemal | Delegation, Time Management, Priorities, Vision
There are always two questions I ask my potential coaching clients:

How to Maximize Your Employees’ Potential

By Andy Kemal | Proccesses, Time Management, Accountability, Employee Satisfaction
A top priority as a business owner should be maximizing the potential of your employees. Hostile work environments make for disgruntled workers who apply little effort and only accomplish the bare minimum. Take advantage of all your employees have to offer by implementing certain processes. A staff that feels engaged and satisfied represents quality management and gains the respect for your company through the eyes of your loyal clientele.

5 Reasons You Aren’t Achieving Your Business Goals

By Andy Kemal | Business, Delegation, Proccesses, Time Management, Priorities, Accountability
Every business has its own strengths and weaknesses. If your company has new customers and a constant demand for products, you may be unaware of lesser known areas in your business that you need to address for improvement when you’re just trying to keep your head above water each day.